cavallo in E6

2019, group project

Cavallo in E6 was born as a proposal for the international “Cristalplant design contest”, in collaboration with Kristalia.

The aim was to create a complement for house entrance made of Cristalplant, a bio-based ceramic-like material.

Cavallo in E6 is an “L” which, depending on how it is configured, takes on a different role: shelf, valet tray or bookcase.

the shape


The formal study focused on exploring the "L" shape not only in two-dimensions but adding the third one. An attempt to evolve a classic tessellation.

The combination possibilities of this letter are endless, it has often been used, even historically, for graphic compositions, motifs on fabrics and tiles.

Horse in E6 allows fixing on several sides, thus allowing the user to decide which structure he wants to compose.


quelli di brera


floating peninsula